Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lunch Discussion

Who else would discuss their OCD tendencies at lunch...except for us?

We started out innocently enough watching the unusual habits of a co-worker and commentating on how the day would progress for this person since it was raining (F.U.I. - the rain does not affect said OCD habits). We then circled around into cube arrangements and particulars of arrangements in the office.

Somehow we developed this conversation into how we fold towels, sheets, clothes, and hang our things up. Some of us cycle our belongings through a "wear" cycle, others fold towels like they do in hotels, and others (pretty much the majority) of us arrange our closets by colors/types.

Next logical step - underwear. Yeah we pretty much all fold the underthings...some different than others. Crotch out or crotch in? That's a personal choice, but I think we all agree it would be awkward for someone to open that drawer and rummage around with the crotch of your underwear staring them in the face - theft deterrent? Quick! Someone patent that!

How in the world do we get ourselves into these conversations? - especially after eating a Mexi-lunch...and hearing stories of the hacking dog cough from one of our own. Egh.


Trixie said...

As odd as it sounds...I much prefer "crotch preference" conversations to "dog hack" conversations! ;)

♥B said...

Me too! What an appropriate lunch conversation.

I myself, crotch in, enjoyed the conversation and it assured me that we are all meant to be sisters as we are TOO much alike for our own good....hence the reason we are all destined to be in Hell together!